Sunday, April 25, 2010


It’s always very painful to leave a place where u have been living for some years; there are so many memories, feelings, emotions attached to the place. All of them one has to leave behind and move ahead in the journey of life. I guess same is the story with most of the people. That is why they say that Change is the spice of life, but this spice does not suit everybody. For some it is a pleasant surprise and for some it is an agony.
My story also runs in the same direction. I have been changing places throughout my life and have faced all those mentioned above. They say that change is constant. But the big question is – If change is constant then why life doesn’t agree to the fact and happily agrees to the change? I guess I do have an answer. Happiness is never self –centric. It is associated with the places, environment, and people around us, our friends, colleagues, and many more intangible things. When we leave a place we leave not just only the place but all those environment, people around us, friends, colleagues, and those intangible support pillars of happiness. what we take back is just memories and nothing else. That is why it is painful – leaving all those which we had.
The relevance of place can never be ignored. But this is not the only crucial factor to pain or happiness. Our pain or happiness is also dependent a lot on the environment we live in. our environment which encompasses our feelings of pain and happiness plays a very crucial role in our endeavor towards happiness. It is the environment which gives us a vision to think. It moulds our lifestyle based on our surroundings. It gives us the opportunity to learn, analyze and interpret the situations accordingly and finally we acclimatize to the environment we are living and find pain or happiness in that.
Sometimes this change works as a boon to someone who is deeply soaked with sorrow and desperately wants something to happen. And that happens in the form of change. They either get a change of place or a change in their environment they are living.
“Place and environment” according to me are two of the most important factors of life. Our life totally depends on these two pillars.
“Spice” the word mentioned earlier, its importance should not be ignored. An example will make it clearer. Imagine a food cooked having salt as the only ingredient in it and a food containing all the ingredients. Which one would be tastier??? The former or the latter. Definitely, the latter one. Spice certainly adds taste. Similar is the case with the word “change”. Change can be compare to spice. It makes our life more happening rather than being monotonous. I believe that there are very few people in this world who would like to lead a monotonous life. Our life will be more painful if there is no change in it. So instead of being scared of change we should more willingly accept it because the benefits of change weigh more than its drawbacks.

It is rightly said –

“One cannot understand the importance of happiness unless he encounters pain”.